Source code for dimcli.utils.misc_utils

Dimcli general purpose utilities for working with data. 
NOTE: these functions are attached to the top level ``dimcli.utils`` module. So you can import them as follows:

>>> from dimcli.utils import *


import click
import time
import json
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import re
import webbrowser
from itertools import islice

from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import concat
    from pandas import json_normalize
    from import json_normalize

[docs]def chunks_of(data, size): """Splits up a list or sequence in to chunks of selected size. Parameters ---------- data: sequence A sequence eg a list that needs to be chunked. size: int The number of items in each group. Returns ------- Iterator An iterable Example ------- >>> from dimcli.utils import chunks_of >>> a = range(10) >>> for x in chunks_of(a, 5): print(len(x)) 5 5 >>> list(chunks_of(a, 5)) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] """ it = iter(data) chunk = list(islice(it, size)) while chunk: yield chunk chunk = list(islice(it, size))
[docs]def save2File(contents, filename, path): """Save string contents to a file, creating the file if it doesn't exist. NOTE Not generalized much, so use at your own risk. Parameters ---------- contents: str File contents filename: str Name of the file. path: str Full path of the file to save. If not existing, it gets created. Returns ------- str The file path with format "file://..." """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) filename = os.path.join(path, filename) f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(contents.encode()) # python will convert \n to os.linesep f.close() # you can omit in most cases as the destructor will call it url = "file://" + filename return url
[docs]def open_multi_platform(fpath): """Open a file using the native OS tools, taking care of platform differences. Supports win, macos and linux. """ click.secho("Opening `%s` ..." % fpath) if sys.platform == 'win32': subprocess.Popen(['start', fpath], shell=True) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': subprocess.Popen(['open', fpath]) else: try: subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', fpath]) except OSError: print("Couldnt find suitable opener for %s" % fpath)
[docs]def exists_key_in_dicts_list(dict_list, key): """From a list of dicts, checks if a certain key is in one of the dicts in the list. See also Parameters ---------- dict_list: list A list of dictionaries. key: obj The obj to be found in dict keys Returns ------- Dict or None """ # return next((i for i,d in enumerate(dict_list) if key in d), None) return next((d for i,d in enumerate(dict_list) if key in d), None)
[docs]def normalize_key(key_name, dict_list, new_val=None): """Ensures a key always appear in a JSON dict/objects list by adding it when missing. Used to prepare API results for subsequent data processing operations, where a missing key in the records may lead to unwanted errors. UPDATE 2019-11-28 v0.6.1.2: normalizes also 'None' values (to address 1.21 DSL change) Parameters ---------- key_name : obj The dict key to normalize. dict_list : list List of dictionaries where to be processed. new_val : obj, optional Default value to add to the key, when not found. If `new_val` is not passed, it is inferred from first available non-empty value. Returns ------- dict Same dictionary being passed. Changes happen in-place. Example ------------- >>> for x in pubs_details.publications: if not 'FOR' in x: x['FOR'] = [] becomes simply: >>> normalize_key("FOR", pubs_details.publications) """ if new_val == None: for x in dict_list: if key_name in x: new_val = type(x[key_name])() # create empty object eg `list()` # print(new_val) break for x in dict_list: if (not key_name in x) or (x[key_name] == None): x[key_name] = new_val
[docs]def export_as_gsheets(input_data, query="", title=None, verbose=True): """Save data to google sheets with one-line. Works with raw JSON (from API), or even a Dataframe. Parameters ---------- input_data: JSON or DataFrame The data to be uploaded query: str The DSL query - this is neeeded only when raw API JSON is passed title: str, optional The spreadsheet title, if one wants to reuse an existing spreadsheet. verbose: bool, default=True Verbose mode Notes ----- This method assumes that the calling environment can provide valid Google authentication credentials. There are two routes to make this work, depending on whether one is using Google Colab or a traditional Jupyter environment. **Google Colab** This is the easiest route. In Google Colab, all required libraries are already available. The `to_gsheets` method simply triggers the built-in authentication process via a pop up window. **Jupyter** This route involves a few more steps. In Jupyter, it is necessary to install the ``gspread``, ``oauth2client`` and ``gspread_dataframe`` modules first. Secondly, one needs to create Google Drive access credentials using OAUTH (which boils down to a JSON file). Note that the credentials file needs to be saved in: `~/.config/gspread/credentials.json` (for gpread to work correctly). These steps are described at Returns ------- str The google sheet URL as a string. Example ------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from dimcli.utils export_as_gsheets >>> cars = {'Brand': ['Honda Civic','Toyota Corolla','Ford Focus','Audi A4'], 'Price': [22000,25000,27000,35000] } >>> df = pd.DataFrame(cars, columns = ['Brand', 'Price']) >>> export_as_gsheets(df) ..authorizing with google.. ..creating a google sheet.. ..uploading.. Saved: """ if 'google.colab' in sys.modules: from google.colab import auth auth.authenticate_user() import gspread from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframe from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials gc = gspread.authorize(GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()) else: try: import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframe except: raise Exception("Missing libraries. Please install gspread, oauth2client and gspread_dataframe: `pip install gspread gspread_dataframe oauth2client -U`.") if verbose: click.secho("..authorizing with google..") try: gc = gspread.oauth() except: raise Exception("Google authorization failed. Do you have all the required files? Please see the documentation for more information:") def line_search_return(line): """Get the source/facet in the return statement Duplicates same method in dimcli.utils.repl_utils , to avoid circular imports """ l = line.split() n = l.count("return") if n == 1: i = l.index("return") if len(l) > i + 1: # cause index is zero based return_obj = l[i + 1] if "[" in return_obj: return return_obj.split('[')[0] else: return return_obj else: # if multiple return values, fail return None if type(input_data) == type({}): # JSON if not query: raise Exception("When passing raw JSON you also have to provide the DSL query, which is needed to determine the primary records key.") return_object = line_search_return(query) try: df = json_normalize(input_data[return_object], errors="ignore") except: df = json_normalize(input_data, errors="ignore") elif type(input_data) == DataFrame: # Dataframe df = input_data else: raise Exception(f"Input type '{str(type(input_data))}' not supported.") if title: if verbose: click.secho(f"..opening google sheet with title: {title}") gsheet = else: if verbose: click.secho("..creating a google sheet..") title = "dimcli-export-" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") gsheet = gc.create(title) worksheet = gsheet.sheet1 click.secho("..uploading..") set_with_dataframe(worksheet, df) # gsheet.share(None, perm_type='anyone', role='reader') # anyone can see with url spreadsheet_url = "" % # if verbose: click.secho(f"Saved:\n{spreadsheet_url}", bold=True) return spreadsheet_url
[docs]def google_url(stringa): """Generate a valid google search URL from a string (URL quoting is applied). Example ------- >>> from dimcli.utils import google_url >>> google_url("malaria AND africa") '' """ from urllib.parse import quote s = quote(stringa) return f"{s}"
[docs]def walk_up(bottom): """Mimic os.walk, but walk 'up' instead of down the directory tree Example ------- #print all files and directories # directly above the current one >>> for i in walk_up(os.curdir): >>> print(i) # look for a TAGS file above the # current directory >>> for c,d,f in walk_up(os.curdir): >>> if 'TAGS' in f: >>> print(c) >>> break """ bottom = os.path.realpath(bottom) #get files in current dir try: names = os.listdir(bottom) except Exception as e: print(e) return dirs, nondirs = [], [] for name in names: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bottom, name)): dirs.append(name) else: nondirs.append(name) yield bottom, dirs, nondirs new_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(bottom, '..')) # see if we are at the top if new_path == bottom: return for x in walk_up(new_path): yield x
[docs]def printDebug(text, mystyle="", err=True, **kwargs): """Wrapper around click.secho() for printing in colors with various defaults. Parameters ---------- text: string The text to print mystyle: string One of: comment, important, normal, red, error, green err: boolean, default: True By default print to standard error stderr (err=True). This means that the output is ok with `less` and when piped to other commands (or files). kwargs: dict Pass any other named parameter accepted by click.secho(), eg you can do printDebug("s", bold=True) Notes ----- Styles a text with ANSI styles and returns the new string. See and By default the styling is self contained which means that at the end of the string a reset code is issued. This can be prevented by passing reset=False. Supported click color names: black (might be a gray) red green yellow (might be an orange) blue magenta cyan white (might be light gray) reset (reset the color code only) Supported click parameters: text – the string to style with ansi codes. fg – if provided this will become the foreground color. bg – if provided this will become the background color. bold – if provided this will enable or disable bold mode. dim – if provided this will enable or disable dim mode. This is badly supported. underline – if provided this will enable or disable underline. blink – if provided this will enable or disable blinking. reverse – if provided this will enable or disable inverse rendering (foreground becomes background and the other way round). reset – by default a reset-all code is added at the end of the string which means that styles do not carry over. This can be disabled to compose styles. Example ------- >>> printDebug("My comment", "comment") >>> printDebug("My warning", "important") # This works also with inner click styles eg >>> uri, title = "", "My ontology" >>> printDebug("[%d]" % 1, fg='blue') + + " ==> ", fg='black') +, fg='red')) # or even with Colorama >>> from colorama import Fore, Style >>> printDebug(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "[%d]" % 1 + Style.RESET_ALL + uri + " ==> " + Fore.RED + title + Style.RESET_ALL) # Memo: how the underlying click.echo works: >>> click.echo('Hello World!', fg='green')) >>> click.echo('ATTENTION!', blink=True)) >>> click.echo('Some things', reverse=True, fg='cyan')) Returns ------- str The colorized text. """ if mystyle == "comment": click.secho(text, dim=True, err=err) elif mystyle == "important": click.secho(text, bold=True, err=err) elif mystyle == "normal": click.secho(text, reset=True, err=err) elif mystyle == "red" or mystyle == "error": click.secho(text, fg='red', err=err) elif mystyle == "green": click.secho(text, fg='green', err=err) else: click.secho(text, err=err, **kwargs)
[docs]def printInfo(text, mystyle="", **kwargs): """Wrapper around printDebug for printing ALWAYS to stdout This means that the output can be grepped etc.. NOTE this output will be picked up by pipes etc.. Fixes """ printDebug(text, mystyle, False, **kwargs)
[docs]def explode_nested_repeated_field(dataframe, field_name): """Utility that can be run against any nested repeated field returned by the API, in order to flatten them so that they are more easily used in spreadsheets and other tools. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.Dataframe A dataframe object. field_name : string The column of the dataframe to be exploded. Returns ------- pd.Dataframe A new dataframe with new columns corresponding to the flattened column. The new columns prefix is the original column label. """ exploded_df = (dataframe.explode(field_name).reset_index(drop=True)) normalized_df = json_normalize(exploded_df[field_name]) normalized_df.columns = [field_name + '_' + col for col in normalized_df.columns] dataframe = concat([exploded_df.drop(columns=[field_name]), normalized_df], axis=1) return dataframe