Source code for dimcli.__init__

Dimcli utilities for logging in/out of the Dimensions API.  
NOTE: these functions are attached to the top level ``dimcli`` module. So you can load them as follows::

>>> import dimcli
>>> dimcli.login()


from .VERSION import __version__, VERSION

from .core.api import Dsl, DslDataset
from .core.dsl_grammar import G 
from .utils.version_utils import print_dimcli_report_if_outdated
from .utils.misc_utils import printDebug

import click

    # if run outside iPython, the magic fails so we use this as a test
    ipython_env = True
    ipython_env = False

if ipython_env:
    from .jupyter import magics

# determine if we are in Google Colab or Jupyter
    from google.colab import files
    # load table plugin => %load_ext google.colab.data_table
    get_ipython().run_line_magic("load_ext", "google.colab.data_table")
    COLAB_ENV = True
    COLAB_ENV = False

[docs]def login( username="", password="", endpoint="", instance="", key="", verify_ssl=True, verbose=True): """Login into the Dimensions API and store the query token in memory. Two cases, with a few defaults: * If credentials are provided, the login is performed using those credentials. * If endpoint is not provided, the default endpoint is used ("") * If credentials are not passed, login is attempted using the local dsl.ini credentials file. * If neither instance nor endpoint are provided, instance defaults to 'live'. * If an endpoint url is provided, the first matching directive in the credentials file is used. Parameters ---------- username: str, optional The API username password: str, optional The API password endpoint: str, optional The API endpoint - default is "" instance: str, optional The instance name, from the local dsl.ini credentials file. Default: 'live' key: str, optional The API key (available to some users instead of username/password) verify_ssl: bool, optional Verify SSL certificates for HTTPS requests. Default: True. verbose: bool, optional Verbose mode. Default: True. Notes --------------- The endpoint value can either be simply the Dimensions server hostname or the full API endpoint path. All the options below are valid endpoints: * `` * `` * `` About SSL verification: Dimcli internally uses the Requests library, which verifies SSL certificates for HTTPS requests, just like a web browser. For some users, it is necessary to turn off SSL verification in order to connect to the API. This can be achieved by passing `verify_ssl=False` at login time. All subsequent API queries will not use SSL verification. NOTE This setting can also be added to the `dsl.ini` file with the following line: `verify_ssl=false`. Example ------- If you have already set up the credentials file (see above), no need to pass log in details >>> dimcli.login() Otherwise you can authenticate by passing your login details as arguments >>> dimcli.login(key="my-secret-key", endpoint="") You can specify endpoint, which by default is set to "" >>> dimcli.login(key="my-secret-key", endpoint="") Legacy authentication mechanisms with username/password are also supported >>> dimcli.login(username="mary.poppins", password="chimneysweeper", endpoint="") See Also --------------- dimcli.core.api.Dsl """ from .core.auth import do_global_login, get_global_connection try: do_global_login(instance, username, password, key, endpoint, verify_ssl) except Exception as e: printDebug("Login failed: please ensure your credentials are correct.") raise(e) CONNECTION = get_global_connection() if CONNECTION.token and verbose: _print_login_success(username, password, key) print_dimcli_report_if_outdated()
def _print_login_success(username, password, key): click.secho("Dimcli - Dimensions API Client (" + VERSION + ")", dim=True) CLIENT = Dsl(verbose=False) # dynamically retrieve dsl version try: _info = "v" + CLIENT.query("describe version")['release'] except: _info = "[failed to retrieve version information]" if (username and password) or key: _method = "manual login" else: _method = "dsl.ini file" click.secho(f"Connected to: <{CLIENT._url}> - DSL {_info}", dim=True) click.secho(f"Method: {_method}", dim=True)
[docs]def logout(): """Reset the connection to the Dimensions API. This allows to create a new connection subsequently, eg to a different endpoint. Example ------- >>> dimcli.logout() """ from .core.auth import get_global_connection CONNECTION = get_global_connection() if CONNECTION.token: CONNECTION.reset_login() printDebug("Logging out... done") else: printDebug("Please login first")
[docs]def login_status(): """Utility to check whether we are logged in or not Returns ------- bool True if logged in, otherwise False. Example ------- >>> dimcli.login_status() False """ from .core.auth import get_global_connection CONNECTION = get_global_connection() if CONNECTION.token: printDebug("Dimcli %s - Succesfully connected to <%s>" % (str(VERSION), CONNECTION.url)) return True else: printDebug("Status: not logged in") return False