Source code for dimcli.utils.converters

from .misc_utils import printDebug
from .dim_utils import dimensions_url
from collections import OrderedDict

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[docs]class DslDataConverter(): """ Helper class containing methods for transforming JSON complex snippets to other formats. Useful eg for creating a nice looking CSV from raw API data. Status: ALPHA - UNSUPPORTED FEATURE Converters subclasses available only for * Pubs * Grants * Clinical Trials * Datasets * Patents To Review: * Organizations * Policy Documents * Researchers Example ======== >>> from dimcli.utils.converters import * >>> df_temp = dsl.query_iterative("search publications return publications").as_dataframe() >>> c1 = DslDatasetsConverter(df_temp) >>> df_final = ALGORITHM ========== # iterate through all keys/columns in dataframe # # if column name == key in fields_mappings: # apply all functions => generate new columns # remove old column # else if column value is list # break down list into semicolon delimited string # replace old column # # PS dimensions_url special case, we just add a new column without removing 'ID' # also, it applies only to sources """ def __init__(self, df, object_type="", verbose=False): self.df_original = df self.df_modified = None self.object_type = object_type # self.df_converted = df.copy() self.keep_extra_cols = False self.verbose = verbose self.columns_original = self.df_original.columns.to_list() if self.verbose: printDebug("Original columns are:", self.columns_original) # defined when subclassing self.column_transformations = OrderedDict()
[docs] def run(self, keep_extra_cols=True): """@TODO define a suitable abstraction for automatic transformation eg simplify all fields to strings """ self.keep_extra_cols = keep_extra_cols self.apply_transformations() self.sort_and_prune() return self.df_modified
[docs] def extend_transformations(self): """Add default transformations for all fields found in a df (not just the ones defined explicitly) using standard rules (camel case and spacing). """ for c in self.columns_original: if c not in [x[0] for x in self.column_transformations.values()]: new_c = c.replace("_", " ").title() self.column_transformations[new_c] = (c, '')
# # # Helpers METHODS # #
[docs] def apply_transformations(self): """For each column, see if there is a transformation defined, and apply it. keep_extra_cols: bool, True Columns not included in the transformation rules are included by default. """ if self.verbose: printDebug("Applying transformations..") df = self.df_original.copy() if self.keep_extra_cols: self.extend_transformations() if self.column_transformations: for new_col, details in self.column_transformations.items(): source, action, arg = details[0], details[1], None if len(details)>2: arg = details[2] if source in self.columns_original: if self.verbose: printDebug(f"...converting '{source}' to '{new_col}'") if action: function = getattr(self, action) if arg: df[new_col] = df[source].fillna("").apply(lambda cell: function(cell, arg)) else: df[new_col] = df[source].fillna("").apply(lambda cell: function(cell)) else: df[new_col] = df[source] df.fillna('', inplace=True) # finally: self.df_modified = df
[docs] def sort_and_prune(self, new_cols_ordered_list=None): """generate a default order if not provided, keeping only those cols """ if self.verbose: printDebug("Sorting / dropping columns...") if new_cols_ordered_list and type(new_cols_ordered_list) == list: # user-provided list of cols self.df_modified = self.df_modified[new_cols_ordered_list] else: # infer from all declared columns new_cols_ordered_list = [] existing_cols = self.df_modified.columns.to_list() for new_col in self.column_transformations: # PS ensure declared cols actually exist!! if new_col in existing_cols: new_cols_ordered_list.append(new_col) if new_cols_ordered_list: self.df_modified = self.df_modified[new_cols_ordered_list] return self.df_modified
[docs] def truncate_for_gsheets(self, cols_subset=None): """ helper to avoid gsheets error 'Your input contains more than the maximum of 50000 characters in a single cell.' cols_subset: eg ['Abstract', 'Authors', 'Authors Affiliations'] """ if self.verbose: printDebug("Truncating strings longer than 50k chars...") def helper(s): # printDebug(len(str(s))) # n = str(s)[:49500] # printDebug(len(str(n))) if len(str(s)) > 49500: n = str(s)[:49500] return n + "..." return s if cols_subset: for col in cols_subset: self.df_modified[col] = self.df_modified[col].apply(lambda x: helper(x))
[docs] def convert_id_to_url(self, idd, ttype=None): """ """ if ttype: return dimensions_url(idd, ttype) else: return dimensions_url(idd)
[docs] def convert_authors_to_names(self, authorslist): """ """ authors = [] for x in authorslist: name = x.get('last_name', "") + ", "+ x.get('first_name', "") authors.append(name) return "; ".join(authors)
def convert_authors_corresponding(self, authorslist): authors = [] for x in authorslist: if x.get("corresponding", ""): name = x.get('last_name', "") + ", "+ x.get('first_name', "") authors.append(name) return "; ".join(authors)
[docs] def convert_authors_affiliations(self, authorslist): """ """ author_affiliations = [] for x in authorslist: name = x.get('last_name', "") + ", "+ x.get('first_name', "") affiliations = "; ".join([a.get('name', "") for a in x['affiliations']]) author_affiliations.append(f"{name} ({affiliations})") return "; ".join(author_affiliations)
[docs] def convert_authors_grids(self, authorslist): """ """ grids = [] for x in authorslist: grids += [a.get('id') for a in x['affiliations'] if a.get('id', None)] return "; ".join(list(set(grids)))
[docs] def convert_authors_countries(self, authorslist): """ """ countries = [] for x in authorslist: countries += [a.get('country') for a in x['affiliations'] if a.get('country', None)] return "; ".join(list(set(countries)))
[docs] def convert_investigators_cltrials(self, investigatorslist): """ From: [['Chaoqian Li', '', 'Study leader', '6 Shuangyong Road, Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China', '', ''], ['Jianlin Huang', '', 'Applicant', "Beihai People's Hospital", "Beihai People's Hospital", 'grid.452719.c']] To "Chaoqian Li; Jianlin Huang" """ return "; ".join([x[0] for x in investigatorslist])
def convert_list(self, data): return "; ".join([str(x) for x in data]) def convert_dict_name(self, data): return "; ".join([y['name'] for y in data]) def convert_dict_ids(self, data): return "; ".join([y['id'] for y in data]) def convert_city_name(self, data): return "; ".join([y['city_name'] for y in data]) def convert_state_name(self, data): return "; ".join([y['city_name'] for y in data]) def convert_country_name(self, data): return "; ".join([y['country_name'] for y in data])
[docs] def convert_interventions_dict(self, data): """ Return 'name' and 'type' for clinical trials / interventions From: "[{'arm_group_labels': 'Hydroxychloroquine and conventional treatments', 'type': 'Drug', 'description': 'Subjects take hydroxychloroquine 400 mg per day for 5 days, also take conventional treatments', 'other_names': '', 'name': 'Hydroxychloroquine'}]" To: "Hydroxychloroquine (Drug)" """ return "; ".join([f"{x.get('name', '')} ({x.get('type', '')})" for x in data])
def convert_float_to_integer(self, data): try: return int(data) except: return data
[docs] def convert_abstract_to_preview(self, abstract): """ """ if abstract: return "" # May 22, 2020 # return " ".join(abstract.split()[:20]) + "..." else: return ""
[docs]class DslPubsConverter(DslDataConverter): """ """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "publications", verbose) ## OVERRRIDE VALUES self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ # ('new_col_name', 'fun_name') 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Publication ID' : ('id', ''), 'DOI' : ('doi', ''), 'PMID' : ('pmid', ''), 'PMCID' : ('pmcid', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Abstract' : ('abstract', ''), 'Source title' : ('journal.title', ''), 'Source ID' : ('', ''), 'Publisher' : ('publisher', ''), 'MeSH terms' : ('mesh_terms', 'convert_list'), 'Publication Date' : ('date', ''), 'PubYear' : ('year', ''), 'Volume' : ('volume', ''), 'Issue' : ('issue', ''), 'Pagination' : ('pages', ''), 'Open Access' : ('open_access_categories', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Publication Type' : ('type', ''), 'Authors' : ('authors', 'convert_authors_to_names'), # 'Corresponding Authors' : ('authors', 'convert_authors_corresponding'), 'Authors Affiliations' : ('authors', 'convert_authors_affiliations'), 'GRID IDs' : ('authors', 'convert_authors_grids'), 'Countries' : ('authors', 'convert_authors_countries'), 'Research Organizations - standardized' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), # 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), # alternate method on different field 'City of Research organization' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_city_name'), # 'State of Research organization' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_state_name'), 'Country of Research organization' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Funder' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'UIDs of supporting grants' : ('supporting_grant_ids', 'convert_list'), # TODO Supporting Grants (proj number?) 'Times cited' : ('times_cited', 'convert_float_to_integer'), 'Altmetric' : ('altmetric', 'convert_float_to_integer'), 'Source Linkout' : ('linkout', ''), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslGrantsConverter(DslDataConverter): """ """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Grant ID' : ('id', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Abstract' : ('abstract', ''), 'Start date' : ('start_date', ''), 'End date' : ('end_date', ''), 'Funders' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Funders GRID IDs' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Funders country' : ('funders', 'convert_country_name'), 'Research organizations' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Research organizations countries' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Source linkout' : ('linkout', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'grants'), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslPatentsConverter(DslDataConverter): """ """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Patent ID' : ('id', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Abstract' : ('abstract', ''), 'Date' : ('date', ''), 'Funders' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Funders GRID IDs' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Funders countries' : ('funders', 'convert_country_name'), 'Assignees' : ('assignees', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Assignees GRID IDs' : ('assignees', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Assignees countries' : ('assignees', 'convert_country_name'), 'Source linkout' : ('linkout', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'patents'), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslDatasetsConverter(DslDataConverter): """ """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "datasets", verbose) ## OVERRRIDE VALUES self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Dataset ID' : ('id', ''), 'DOI' : ('doi', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Description' : ('description', ''), 'Repository' : ('repository_id', ''), 'Publication year' : ('year', ''), 'Dataset author' : ('authors', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Associated publication' : ('associated_publication_id', ''), 'Funders' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Funders GRID IDs' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Funders countries' : ('funders', 'convert_country_name'), 'Research organizations' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Countries' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Source Linkout' : ('figshare_url', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'datasets'), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslClinicaltrialsConverter(DslDataConverter): """ """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "clinical_trials", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Trial ID' : ('id', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Brief title' : ('brief_title', ''), 'Acronym' : ('acronym', ''), 'Abstract' : ('abstract', ''), 'Publication date' : ('date', ''), 'Active years' : ('active_years', 'convert_list'), 'Phase' : ('phase', ''), 'Conditions' : ('conditions', 'convert_list'), 'Intervention' : ('interventions', 'convert_interventions_dict'), 'Gender' : ('gender', ''), 'Registry' : ('registry', ''), 'Investigators/Contacts' : ('investigators', 'convert_investigators_cltrials'), 'Sponsors/Collaborators' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Country of Sponsor/Collaborator' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Collaborating Funders' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Funder Country' : ('funders', 'convert_country_name'), 'Source Linkout' : ('linkout', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'clinical_trials'), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslPolicyDocumentsConverter(DslDataConverter): """@TODO review """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Date added' : ('date_inserted', ''), 'Policy ID' : ('id', ''), 'Title' : ('title', ''), 'Abstract' : ('abstract', ''), 'Date' : ('date', ''), 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Countries' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Funders' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Funders GRID IDs' : ('funders', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Funders country' : ('funders', 'convert_country_name'), 'Research organizations' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), 'Source linkout' : ('linkout', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'policy_documents'), 'Concepts' : ('concepts', 'convert_list'), 'FOR (ANZSRC) Categories' : ('category_for', 'convert_dict_name'), 'RCDC Categories' : ('category_rcdc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS HC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_hc', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRCS RAC Categories' : ('category_hrcs_rac', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP Cancer Types' : ('category_icrp_ct', 'convert_dict_name'), 'ICRP CSO Categories' : ('category_icrp_cso', 'convert_dict_name'), 'BRA Categories' : ('category_bra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'HRA Categories' : ('category_hra', 'convert_dict_name'), 'SDG Categories' : ('category_sdg', 'convert_dict_name'), })
[docs]class DslOrganizationsConverter(DslDataConverter): """@TODO review """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'GRID ID' : ('id', ''), 'Name' : ('name', ''), # 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'organizations'), })
[docs]class DslResearchersConverter(DslDataConverter): """@TODO review """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Researcher ID' : ('id', ''), 'First Name' : ('first_name', ''), 'Last Name' : ('last_name', ''), 'Orcid IDs' : ('orcid_id', ''), 'Research organizations' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_name'), 'GRID IDs' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_dict_ids'), 'Countries' : ('research_orgs', 'convert_country_name'), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'researchers'), })
[docs]class DslReportsConverter(DslDataConverter): """@TODO review """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Report ID' : ('id', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'reports'), })
[docs]class DslSourceTitlesConverter(DslDataConverter): """@TODO review """ def __init__(self, df, verbose=False): super().__init__(df, "grants", verbose) self.column_transformations = OrderedDict({ 'Source ID' : ('id', ''), 'Source title' : ('title', ''), 'Type' : ('type', ''), 'ISSNs' : ('issn', ''), 'Publisher' : ('publisher', ''), 'Start year' : ('start_year', ''), 'Dimensions URL' : ('id', 'convert_id_to_url', 'source_titles'), })